Summer is a great time to teach some home management skills. I know you probably think I am crazy for saying this but what better time to involve your kids in cooking and organizing the house then the summer.
Planning BB Q's, car washes, baking, redecorating the house are great chores. You would be surprised how fun you can make these activities if you just include the right incentive.
Think of the things that you wish you know at a younger age. Try to experiment and teach you kids some basic cooking and baking skills. Invite a friend or two to join in the fun. Just last week I had my 8 year old grandson sleep over and we baked and cooked before bedtime and early in the morning. He was so proud to present the delicious treats to his parents at the dinner table.
The time you invest in teaching and involving your kids in basic skills will help them for the rest of their life.
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