Sunday, June 19, 2011

Organizing Tips for This Week

Office Organizing:

Does your office look like a trash can?  Do you have piles in every corner?  Does it take you a long time to find the right bill to pay?  Do you wish all the paper would just disappear?

Here are some quick suggestions:

1.  Create a quick filing system on your desk.  I call it the hot file
To Pay, To File, Coupons, Events, Invitations, Pending, To Do Work, Children/School
2.  Touch each paper once and decide which file it should go into
3.  For the Filing system, create an alphabetical systems for your papers.  i.e.; Auto, Banking Credit Cards, Home, Insurance, Medical Travel, Utilities , Warranties 
4.  Open the mail each day for 5 minutes and sort quickly
5.  Set aside time each week to pay bills
6.  Spend 20 minutes at your desk each day creating order and keeping up with your paper work
7.   Make a to do list with that is within your priorities
8.  Write down all your phone messages in one place and keep track of all your return calls and numbers
9.   Keep your business cards in one place and write them onto your contact list If you need a hard copy, keep them in a notebook.
10. Reward yourself for your efforts and keep track of your current papers.

Time Management

1   Keep a daily calendar/planner. Write down all your commitments and appointments
2.  Write down your "to do's " daily
3.  Keep track of how you use your time each day and how long it takes you do to each          task/activity
4.  Keep appointments and try to be on time
 Don't overbook yourself.  Give yourself enough time to make each appointment
6.  Write down all appointments and due dates on your calendar daily
7.  Call in advance to confirm appointments
8   Try to multi- task some of your shopping. i.e.:  go to the cleaners on the day you need to get gas if they share the same location.
9.  Buy in bulk if it saves you time.
10. Find a buddy or a partner if its time saving for you.  i.e.; your friend can go to the market while you go to the post office.