Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Organizing Your Time and Priorities

 As we approach the end of the year, I am beginning to think more about my goals and priorities for next year.  I am also interested in teaching this idea to my clients and friends.  The first step would be to have a better sense of how we spend our time and our awareness of time.  Begin by getting to know yourself and your pace.  How fast do you get things done?  Know your commitment.  What does the passage of time mean to you ?   What are your goals and aspirations?  What would you like to have accomplished at the end of the day? the week?  the year?  end of time?   What really motivates you to change?  Create goals?  Create Priorities?  These questions can be the beginning of your answer.   The process is to first believe in yourself.  Ask yourself what is it that your REALLY want?  Acknowledge that you have to start with baby steps, one day at a time.
Changing Habits come slow and patiently.  Create goals and set priorities  by writing them down in a notebook.  Write something down for each day, week and for the year.  Try to set four goals for the coming new year.  Give yourself some time to think and plan for the future.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

How to entertain at Thanksgiving without feeling like a Turkey

I promised myself that I would not think about Thanksgiving before November 1.  I just thought that being in the moment, dealing with first things first (my Stephen Covey training) told me to do that.  This morning as I was taking my 6am walk before driving my son to high school at 7am, I thought about Thanksgiving.  Here are my thoughts.  Now I am ready to look at my magazines at all the yummy, delicious pictures of Turkeys, stuffing, and side dishes for the Holiday.  I have my mind set on making my famous apple pie and carrot cake for sure.  In line with my newly acquired learning from Harold Taylor ( can set out on my organizing principles.
Firstly, have the Vision, ask yourself what is it you want.  What are your goals and priorities? Second, planning, what do you need to do to make the evening a success?  Who do you want to invite, what do you want to serve, what items do you need to buy,  Third,  your action, How can you get things done, who needs to help you, where will you buy, rent, shop, call for that evening. And Finally Schedule, Look at your day planner and write out all your "to do's" and schedule something for each day of the week counting to the Dinner Evening itself.  Spread the actions over time so you will not be rushed nor go crazy making things the last minute.  Remember, It's all in the planning… which means THE VISION, THE PLANNING, THE ACTION, THE SCHEDULING.  Take it slow and Enjoy.  You will have a great meal with good company and be ready for my December's Holiday tips.